Henry Clay

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Altadis USA
Dominican Republic

Named after an early American politician, Henry Clay cigars feature premium quality tobaccos at an affordable price. They are a great medium-fill bodied cigar with an earthy maduro, Connecticut broad leaf. These cigars are smooth, but at the same time they are full-bodied. Additionally, it still has a unique and rich flavor making Henry Clay cigars a popular and extraordinary cigar. The Henry Clay cigar is an old-world style blend that is worthy of consideration in your humidor and/or rotation.

Henry Clay Cigars

Available Henry Clay Cigars

Sku: CL-2824
Qty: 50
Size: 5 1/8 x 42
$204.47 $237.50
Brevas ala Conserva
Sku: CL-2766
Qty: 25
Size: 5 5/8 x 46
$109.97 $131.25
Brevas Finas
Sku: CL-4078
Qty: 25
Size: 6 1/2 x 48
$112.97 $131.25
Brevas Finas - Cello
Sku: CL-2128
Qty: 20
Size: 6 1/2 x 48
$92.97 $105.00
Sku: CL-3024
Qty: 25
Size: 5 x 50
$112.97 $131.25
Sku: CL-2489
Qty: 25
Size: 6 x 50
$118.97 $137.50